8:00 AM. 28 degrees, wind WNW, very light. The channel has mixed glassy areas with patterns of ripples. The sky is mostly cloudy and the barometer predicts the same.
This has been a sleep in morning, as we had fiends Dot and Grandon Harris over for Thanksgiving dinner yesterday evening and there is a lot of kitchen cleanup to do. We roasted one of the geese I shot last month, with all the trimmings, and it was an interesting meal. Dot baked a pumpkin pie, and there is a very large piece left for me to have for breakfast. Don and Grandon are retired from teaching and missionary work in Indian Country out west and we have a lot of mutual interests. Grandon is a fine photographer and brought his MacBook loaded with photos. We are all grandparents without children and grandchildren for the holiday, so of course we become a mutual admiration society when together.
Not having brought home any venison from the woods, I collected instead the materials for a swag that Joan wanted to make; hemlock branches, milkweed pods, pearly everlasting and mountain ash berries. Pretty, but no antlers.