Noon. Well, we had our weather change, it was 32 degrees at 6:00 AM and the temperature has not risen since. I was on the deer stand before daylight and stayed there until 9:30 AM. The wind picked up and blew from the north-northwest all morning. Again there was no movement of deer, no fresh tracks and the apples and corn I put down yesterday afternoon were untouched. I talked with hunters who have been on the old buffalo farm to my north and they have seen nothing. I heard two shots about 8:30 AM, over the ridge to the west, otherwise everything very quiet again.
When I got home about 10:00 AM to help Joan with Thanksgiving dinner preparations, she informed me that Mike had called about 8:00 AM. He got a 12 point buck, shot it on the Larsen sugar bush, by the old farmhouse and apple trees I hunted at the other evening. He shot it just before closing yesterday, couldn’t find it, didn’t sleep all night and went out and found it this morning, about a hundred yards from where he shot it. He was so excited he called again at 9:00 AM to see if I had gotten home yet so he could tell his tale again. He deserves to have gotten the big buck, as he has been seeing it since before the season opened. I called him when I got home but his wife informed me that he and neighbor Jim had just left for the bar at the Village Inn in Cornucopia to do a little celebrating and I am sure some tale-telling. Way to go, Mike. You’re keeping my spirits up!