Wednesday, 7:00 AM. 38 degrees, wind NW, strong. The sky is mostly clear but the barometer predicts rain.
I am going to fish the Sioux River this morning in the hopes of catching a steelhead trout (anadromous rainbow trout that come up the river in the spring to spawn). I had hoped it would be a bit warmer.
Later: it was a beautiful morning on the river, and I got plenty of exercise (even hiked overland to the old Finn Hole) but no fish. I had one strike. There were a lot of fishermen, even on the further stretches of the river. I saw no fish, in the water or in a net, so I am of the opinion that not many trout are migrating up the river as yet.
There were rumors of fish, and tales of fish, but no tails of fish to be seen anywhere. Actually when it comes to fish a lie is as good or better than the real thing. You don’t have to throw back a lie because it is undersized. You don’t have to clean a lie. And a lie costs nothing unless it is told in court. So, all you lying fishermen, by the authority of St.Andrew you are hereby absolved of your sins of mendacity; indeed we applaud you, as you give all of us honest seekers of fish hope through your welcome fabrications.
There won't be a post for a few days. Joan, Lucky and I are going to Mapleton, Wisconsin in the southeastern part of the state to visit our old friends Bill and Allene Peebles. I am going to help Bill burn his prairie, Joan is going to do some good cooking for all of us, and Lucky is going to stay out of the way.