Sunday, 7:00 AM. 36 degrees, wind ENE, light to moderate. The sky is mostly cloudy and the barometer predicts the same. It is cold and blustery.
The stay with Bill and Allene Peebles in Mapleton was very enjoyable, and particularly since all of their four grown children and two grandchildren were there. The prairie burn went well, although it was very windy and sort of got away from us, but there really wasn’t anywhere dangerous for it to go except into Bill’s evergreen plantation which we were very careful to keep the fire out of. Which brings back memories of a prairie burn in Lincoln, Nebraska, about twenty years ago, which I was very glad I was not in charge of, as it got away from us and created so much thick white smoke that it shut down the Lincoln airport and the entire air wing of the Nebraska National Guard. It will be interesting to see the increase in diversity of plants next summer or fall, which is after all the point of burning prairies and meadows.
We had a good wild life viewing morning before the burn, the four of us going out in Bill’s pickup truck and seeing all kinds of birds, including sand hill cranes, turkeys and lots of hawks, geese and ducks. The chorus frogs were singing and all was right with the world.
The Peebles and the Odes go back a half a century and it was great to spend quality time with them and their family, particularly since we all have similar interests and views of life. We came back to blustery weather but the daffodils are blooming seriously now.