Tuesday, 7:30 AM. 36 degrees, wind W, moderate with gusts. The sky is overcast and snowflakes the size of a penny are falling. The barometer however is up and predicts partly cloudy weather. The Larsen's have closed up the sugar shack and headed back to Cedarburg.
We were watching the local newscast last night when I heard Lucky’s usual “knock” at the porch screen door. We have a heavy mesh screen the dogs can paw on without doing any damage. I didn’t remember letting the dog out, but Joan said he must be out because he wasn’t in his usual spot in the living room.
So I went to answer the “knock” at the door, and opening it there was a bear pawing on the screen asking to be let in. I was so startled (I had been half asleep) that I exclaimed “bear!” and slammed the door. The bear, evidently as startled as I, ran off, bumping into the porch furniture as he left. Now he wasn’t a particularly big bear, about 3 feet at the shoulder on all fours, maybe 175 pounds or so. I do believe he wanted to be invited in to share supper leftovers with the dog. He might have been a pleasant and entertaining guest for all I know. But I think his table manners might not have been suitable (even Lucky has to mind his manners at dinner time). From now on I am bringing the hanging bird feeder in at night.