Sunday, 8:30 AM. 29 degrees, wind mostly SLW, strong. Sky mostly clear, the barometer predicts sunny skies.
The dog sled races were very nice but seemed to have fewer entrants. The big Duluth Minnesota Beargrease race was last weekend and that may have had an effect. The chamber reports 35 “Voluntoursts” this year, a growing number of volunteer tourists. It is a great way to become familiar with the races, and there are a lot of discounts available to volunteers.
We watched at the Star Route crossing, just east of the Settlement, as we usually do.
The Settlement is a tiny group of homes and small farms half way between Bayfield and Cornucopia, which has a long and interesting history, and many old, old area names like Cadot and Gordon. The Settlement folks put on a free lunch, with hot dogs, brats, beer, soda and S’more’s makings, just stand in line for a roasting fork and help yourself. There were lots of kids this year, and everyone had a good time. It makes for a very nice, homey affair. I took a few photos, but couldn’t get near the several mishaps that occurred further out on the trail, like pile ups and tangles.
The ice caves are open, and I will try to get out to them next week and come back with some decent photos, weather permitting.