The dog sled races are this weekend, starting at 10:00 AM. Joan and I will watch out on Star Route, where the trail crosses the road. The eight dog teams run eighty miles in the two days, the six dog teams run sixty. It is a little warm for the dogs but great for the spectators. I will report on the race tomorrow. We had a wonderful whitefish dinner last night courtesy of neighbor Erick. Joan poaches fillets in a generous amount of white wine with onion and lemon slices. The best!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
The dog sled races are this weekend, starting at 10:00 AM. Joan and I will watch out on Star Route, where the trail crosses the road. The eight dog teams run eighty miles in the two days, the six dog teams run sixty. It is a little warm for the dogs but great for the spectators. I will report on the race tomorrow. We had a wonderful whitefish dinner last night courtesy of neighbor Erick. Joan poaches fillets in a generous amount of white wine with onion and lemon slices. The best!