Tuesday, 7:15 AM. 54 degrees, wind NW, just enough to make the aspen leaves flutter. The channel is “dimpled,” the skies are mostly overcast and the barometer predicts partly cloudy weather.
All the kids and grandkids are now safe and tired at home after their long road trips, and probably are relieved to be back in their own beds and routines. But, it was a great reunion.
The robins are feeding on the ripening juneberries, and the hummingbirds are back at the feeders so their young must have left the nest as well. I spent several grueling hours yesterday cleaning up the overgrown perennial garden and I am stiff and sore.
I am off to the Duluth airport after breakfast to go to Toledo, Ohio to perform my duties as an America in Bloom competition judge. It would be nice to sleep in another morning or two, but duty calls.
I get back on Saturday so no blog for a few days unless I have time to do so from the hotel computer. I should have a photo and a tale or two to tell then. All the roses are great this year!