The Texas kids got home last night, and Columbus and Denver each got half way home. Joan, I and Lucky are still in recovery mode.
I stopped by the Pow Wow Grounds at Red Cliff late yesterday afternoon, things were winding down but the dancing and drumming and singing were still going on. This is a small affair as inter-tribal powwows go, but is very colorful and has some good Indian vendors from all over, including Mexico and South America. There are also food vendors (Indian tacos, brats, ice cream). There are traditional and fancy dancers, women’s dances with gingle dresses, and drumming and singing galore. It is a friendly mix of traditions and cultures, attended mostly by Indians but everyone is welcome.
The military tribal traditions are very evident, with US flags, Airborne and Marine and POW flags very prominent around the dance grounds. I particularly appreciated one that proclaimed "Freedom is Not Free," very appropriate for the Fourth of July weekend.
Red Cliff and Bayfield are closely intertwined but yet very distinct communities, a sort of cultural yin and yang. It is more a relationship to be appreciated than understood, and left alone rather than poked and prodded. When we drove by at 9:00 PM it was all over and most of the campers and vendors had departed, a fitting conclusion to the holiday.