8:30 AM, 36 degrees, wind SW, calm. The channel is calm and shining silver, the sky is cloudless and the barometer predicts mostly sunny skies.
Earlier, there was considerable “lake smoke” rising off the waters near La Pointe, rendering the emerging morning ferry a facsimile of the ghost ship from some Wagnerian opera. Perhaps we can find some buxom local diva and equip her with spear and shield, and one of those helmets with the cow horns, to stand in the ferry bow and sing an appropriate aria each morning from now until freeze-up.
Last night was the annual Chamber of Commerce dinner meeting, well attended by I will guess over one hundred members and guests. Community awards were passed out to much deserved applause, and we were entertained by a humorous motivational speaker from over in Dallas, WI who arrived bandaged and with stitches in his forehead because he didn't hold his 30.06 deer rifle tight to his shoulder. A little object lesson there. Budgets were passed and new board members elected, and all had a good time. They even sang happy birthday to me.
Only one photo this morning as the camera batteries died. My own internal batteries are O.K. but could use a little recharging. A second cup of coffee will have to suffice.