Thursday, 8:00 AM. 41 degrees, wind NW, calm. The channel is glassy with a few ripples, the sky overcast and the barometer predicts rain.
The imminent threat of the terribly destructive emerald ash borer, already present in several southern and central Wisconsin localities, is making me very aware of ash trees in the community. This large green ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica) is growing on private property on Manypenny between eighth and ninth streets. Female ash trees are quite noticeable at this time of year because of their prominent brown, papery winged fruits. I am making a mental note of where ash trees are located and will monitor them in coming growing seasons, watching for the characteristic borer damage, which starts with the topmost branches. Sorry about the procumbent photo, it would not cooperate.
Blaze orange deer hunting clothes are appearing now on porches and wash lines, being aired out to dispel the human scent, which is evidently really stinky to all creatures but ourselves.