Sunday, 9:00 AM. 39 degrees, wind NE, light. The channel is crawling, the sky is overcast and light rain has added another .2” to the gage, but the barometer predicts sunny skies.
The maple leaves now on the grass in the front yard are as pretty lying there as they were on the trees. But, I will have to dispose of them before we get snow.
The old black willows (Salix nigra) along Tenth St. have finally turned yellow. The familiar winged burning bush (Euonymus alata), of Asian origin, is often overused in the home landscape but its brilliant fall color is unsurpassed.
Today is the annual Bellanger Settlement fall dinner, held at the Bayfield Town Hall on Hwy. J. It is a fund raiser for the settlement historical society and we never miss it. I will report on the menu and other aspects tomorrow.