Saturday, 8:30 AM. 35 degrees, wind WNW, calm, as is the channel. The sky is clear, there is another .8” of rain in the gage, and the barometer predicts partly cloudy skies.
Snow was predicted, but although we dodged the bullet this time, I saw a car come down Washington Ave. covered with it, so I assume the orchards above the cemetery got snow. The cemeteries on Washington Ave., half way up the hill, are a pretty good deliniator between warmer temperatures in town and colder winter conditions higher up the bluffs.
The sugar maple pictured is a “perfect ten” for its species; shape, health, color, all superior. It is just down the street on Tenth and Wilson. The alien, invasive buckthorns are easily identified at this time of year as they are green when the natives are still in full fall color.