Wednesday, 7:30 AM. 53 degrees, wind W, light to moderate. The channel is crawling, the sky is clear, the barometer predicts sunshine, and there is .75” of rain in the rain gage.
We are on the road again, to Wausau, where we left our Saab at the dealer for repairs, and rented a car for a few days. It will be an all day trip, but will give us an opportunity to stop at Barnes and Noble and at Gander Mountain, anyway.
The two landscape jobs turned out perfectly, the photos are before and after of the Johnson job, the objective of which was to replace trees lost in a storm, reduce lawn mowing, and provide a proper setting for the residence as viewed from First Street. The major trees are native white spruce, tamarack, and river birch. The hedge is ninebark and the spreading evergreens are Siberian Microbiota.