Tuesday, 8:15 AM. 66 degrees, wind ENE, calm. The channel and Island are obscured by fog and it is raining quite hard, although the barometer predicts partly cloudy weather. The rain means I won’t have to be as concerned with watering the two landscape jobs, and I have put the porch baskets out in the rain.
The trip to the Peebles in Oconomowoc was a great success. We shot five geese and missed more, had lots of good food and conversation and went to a fun musical at the new performing arts center Saturday night. The geese flew well early on both Saturday and Sunday morning, but there was nothing flying early Monday. Lucky was in a terrible funk all weekend because we didn’t take him out with us and he had to stay with Joan (he wouldn’t be able to retrieve a goose). He wouldn’t speak to me until I bought him a hamburger on the way home. Bill’s Chesapeake retrieved for us, and we would have lost at least one bird without her. Bill just fillets out the goose breasts (that’s where most of the meat is) and leaves the rest for the coyotes, but Joan insisted I clean the whole birds so she could roast them for Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner. It took me about an hour to clean each bird, and they weighed 10 and 7.5 lbs. respectively, 7 and 5 lbs. cleaned. I hadn’t been goose hunting with Bill in almost forty years so it was a real treat.