Sunday, 9:00 AM. 52 degrees, wind SSW, light. The channel is obscured by fog, the sky otherwise almost cloudless, and the barometer predicts partly cloudy weather. We got another inch of rain in the last few days.
I collected seeds of the beach pea for the beach restoration project at the Reiten Boatyard Condominiums yesterday. They are hard little peas, several in a pod, and when ripe the pod dries and “explodes” with a twisting motion, catapulting the BB sized peas a short way from the plant. It wouldn’t seem a very effective method of distribution, but it must be, since it exists.
The folks on the corner of Tenth and Wilson, just up the block, have let a part of their yard grow into a meadow, the dominant plant of which is hardy oregano. I don’t know if they planted it on purpose or if it spread from the garden, but it is very pleasing.