Tuesday, 8:00 AM. 59 degrees, wind W, moderate with gusts. The channel is wrinkled, the sky is partly cloudy, with some clouds scudding along at high altitude. The barometer predicts rain but I doubt it. It is a fine, fine day.
The cloud formations have been beautiful, as have the sunsets (this one taken at Little Sand Bay).
We had camp dinner last evening with the Larsens and the visiting Matthiaes, no photos as my camera ran out of juice. The dinner was superb: rotinni with elk meat sauce courtesy of Paul, Joan’s pickle salad and Kohl slaw, and Judy’s fresh Dutch oven apple-blueberry pie. Truly all the bounties of the earth.
I collected a couple of handfuls of false Solomon’s seal on Mannypenny Avenue this morning that I will scatter in the front yard.
There will be no posts for a few days as I will be indisposed.