Tuesday, 7:30 AM. 60 degrees, wind W, calm. The channel is glassy. The sky is mostly overcast, and the barometer again predicts rain, but I will believe it when I feel it.
The Juneberries, Amelanchier Canadensis, also called serviceberries and shadblow in the East, are ripening. They have a sweetish, apple-like flavor, and indeed look like apples, but are so small that it is hard to make any progress picking them. The birds love them. There are several other closely related North American species of Amelanchier, and a number of varieties, a few of which are grown commercially for the fruit, which makes good preserves.
Amelanchiers also make good small street trees for northern cities, hardy, blooming early, easy to control and with good fall color.
The drought is now serious, and I have to get a crew together to water young street trees.