Monday, 7:30 AM. 64 degrees, wind WNW, moderate. The sky is clear with some haze, and the barometer futiley predicts rain.
We are under aerial bombardment this morning, not by foreign enemies, but by the State of Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, which is spraying for Gypsy moths, dive bombing Bayfield at treetop level. The assault has been going on now for two hours. They are depositing fungus spores that will kill the caterpillars of all moths and butterflies (what will happen to the Monarchs, Swallow Tails, etc.?).
This seems like “Déjà vu all over again, ”since this is what we experienced in our little town in New York years ago, until the State of New York gave it up as a wasted effort. The State of Wisconsin has a current account deficit of $6B and yet chooses to spend hundreds of thousands on a program that states in the East abandoned years ago.
This reminds me of the guy in New Jersey that put a sign over his front door that read, “May This House Be Safe From Tigers,” and when his neighbor pointed out that there were no tigers in New Jersey, replied, “See, it works.”
I have ‘t seen a Gypsy moth or an egg mass in Bayfield in ten years. The Department of Agriculture must be doing its job.