Thursday, 8:00 AM. 14 degrees, wind NNE, light with stronger gusts. The sky is overcast but the barometer predicts partly sunny weather. The wind out of the north feels like snow, and we are likely to get some today, in fact a few fine flakes are falling now.
We walked with neighbor Sherman this morning and his dog Pebbles and their guest dog. Dog sitting for six weeks and more rather stretches the bonds of friendship in my estimation.
Stephen Dunker, owner of the What Goes ‘Round bookstore on S. Second St. passed away this week after a lengthy illness. A small town really feels the loss of every individual. We hope his wonderful little bookstore will stay in business, it is the only one in the city. Stephen was by all accounts a real bibliophile, and contributed greatly to the economic and intellectual life of Bayfield. He will be sorely missed.
Ash Wednesday services yesterday evening at Christ Church and the reminder that “dust though art and to dust though salt return” is an admonition we all should take to heart as we rush through our busy days. Most of us will leave little more than memories behind, so let’s resolve that they be good ones.