Wednesday, 8:30 AM. 26 degrees, wind WNW, light to moderate. We got 3 inches of fluffy but kind of wet snow this morning, stopped now. The sky is overcast and the barometer predicts snow.
I read somewhere that the Inuit of the Arctic have twenty-three different words for snow, classified according to its physical properties. We might borrow some of their terminology, and perhaps add some of our own ( a few of which might not be printable). Anyway, it is time to start thinking spring, for reasons both emotional and also preparatory. We have our first Bayfield in Bloom committee meeting this morning, down at the hotel. The Bayfield in Bloom kickoff will be Friday, May 15, with the Larry Meillor Garden Talk radio show, broadcast live from the Pavilion. The morning will start with Breakfast with Larry, then on to the radio show, before and after which the pavilion will be filled with displays and more, put on by local Green Industry folks (nurseries, landscapers, arborists), the DNR, and other entities. It is always well attended, and hopefully our tens of thousands of daffodils will still be in bloom throughout the the city. You are invited. Spring in Bayfield is usually long, gentle, and very welcome!