Monday, 8:30 AM. 35 degrees, wind W, light. The channel is crawling, and the sky is almost clear. It is a lovely morning, but the barometer predicts rain.
The regular gun deer season is now over, with mixed results. Those who got their buck obviously are inclined to consider it a good season, those who were unsuccessful will rank it poor. The truth probably lies somewhere in between, but it is obvious that something unusual is going on. I talked with buddy Paul last night, who hunted in the southern Chequamegon National Forest with a large group, and they saw no deer. I have my opinions but I will let the dust settle a bit before I say anything more.
Of more immediate personal concern, Lucky has had a bout of arthritis or something and has been almost incapacitated, not being able to use his right hind leg and in obvious pain. Three half aspirins, given at intervals, at least got him around the block this morning. He gets shots for Lime's disease so it shouldn’t be that. He is do for a vet’s visit soon anyway. He is getting on in years and should no longer overdo things, but it’s hard to slow an old dog down.