Tuesday, 7:30 AM. 56 degrees, wind NW, light. The channel is calm with a few wrinkles. The sky is clear with some haze, and the barometer predicts rain.
The American smoke tree, Cotina obovata, is native to the south-central states, and I am unfamiliar with it in the wild. It and its Eurasian counterpart, C. coggygria, are much planted for their oddly decorative smoky blooms, orange fall leaf color in the American species, and purple summer foliage in the Eurasian species. It is closely related to the sumacs and poison ivies, but is not poisonous. It can grow quite large and is very hardy.
The beautiful weather continues but it will probably rain later in the week. Bayfield businesses are off to a good start to the tourist season, which only lasts about 90 days (not much time to make expenses and a little profit). The new scooter rental business seems off to a good start as well, they were flitting all about on the holiday weekend. They are an alternative to bicycles for the less athletic on our hilly terrain. They are much less intrusive than the noisy, destructive ATV’s. I myself prefer a four-wheeled convertible, or as the English call them, a “drophead”.