Saturday, 7:30 AM. 36 degrees, wind W, light with blustery gusts. The sky is overcast but the sun is peeking through, and the barometer predicts fair weather. We got one-fourth of an inch of rain last night. It was a hood-up, hands in the pockets walk this morning.
The Arbor Day celebration and tree planting and the dedication of Cooper Hill Park was an unqualified success, thanks to about 25 students and teachers, Mayor Larry MacDonald, project organizer Shannon Swanstrom, Don Kissinger of the DNR and Jay Cablk of Jay’s Tree Service. Local musician Andy Noyes provided education/entertainment. Four trees were planted in and around the park.
The Bayfield In Bloom kickoff with the Larry Meiller Garden Talk radio show, broadcast from the city pavilion, was also a great success. Co-panelists Don Kissinger and Extension Agent Jason Fischbach and myself answered garden questions from around the state and from the audience. Kristen Sandstrom of the Chamber did a marvelous job of organizing the events of the last few days. There are a number of Bayfield in Bloom events from now through the garden tours of June 13th, and the city is really looking good. Today is the ninth anniversary of Joan and I moving to Bayfield, ostensibly to retire.
The Arbor Day celebration and tree planting and the dedication of Cooper Hill Park was an unqualified success, thanks to about 25 students and teachers, Mayor Larry MacDonald, project organizer Shannon Swanstrom, Don Kissinger of the DNR and Jay Cablk of Jay’s Tree Service. Local musician Andy Noyes provided education/entertainment. Four trees were planted in and around the park.
The Bayfield In Bloom kickoff with the Larry Meiller Garden Talk radio show, broadcast from the city pavilion, was also a great success. Co-panelists Don Kissinger and Extension Agent Jason Fischbach and myself answered garden questions from around the state and from the audience. Kristen Sandstrom of the Chamber did a marvelous job of organizing the events of the last few days. There are a number of Bayfield in Bloom events from now through the garden tours of June 13th, and the city is really looking good. Today is the ninth anniversary of Joan and I moving to Bayfield, ostensibly to retire.