Tuesday, 8:00 AM. 22 degrees, wind SW, gusty. The sky is overcast except for a small band of fire on the SE horizon, as the sun rises. We have gotten through November without a really severe storm, you may remember that the Edmund Fitzgerald went down on Lake Superior in a storm on November 10, 1975, with 29 hands on board (do you also remember Gordon Lightfoot’s song "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"?). The channel is dark and angry, the ferry boats will give a good ride today.
Later: went to Ashland this morning, there are no swans or geese on the Ashland shore, as the ice has formed several hundred feet out into the Bay already. I did see a flock of mallards in the shelter of the Fish Creek Marsh, everyone else seems to have left for warmer climes. The wind was gale force on the south end of the Bay.