Saturday, 7:15 AM. 49 degrees, wind E, light to moderate. The barometer predicts sun, skies are blue with high black rain clouds on the eastern horizon. We may get a shower. We got another quarter inch of rain yesterday and the two rain barrels are full. I haven’t turned on the outside water spigots as yet and hopefully won't have to for a while.
The wild cherries... pin, choke and black, are all in bloom, and woods edges and old fields are white with them. The cherry illustrated is choke cherry, Prunus virginiana. Apple trees have begun to bloom, I don’t know about the domestic cherries. Juneberries are about finished blooming.
I participated in a work crew for the Conservancy yesterday afternoon, led by Grandon Harris, who is a great volunteer. We placed railroad ties and gravel on the Iron Bridge trail, which leads up the ravine north of town, starting across the street from the library on Third and Washington. A good project.
We went to Cornucopia to the Village Inn (one of my favorite places) for fish fry last night, the first time in a while. It was excellent, the ride out and back very nice.