Wednesday, 7:15 AM. 16 degrees, wind W, very strong, just now changing to NE. It is snowing, with almost white-out conditions. There is perhaps only 6” accumulation but considerable drifting, and according to the barometer it will probably continue for the rest of the day. If the counterclockwise low proceeds across the lakes we will get considerable snow on a nor’easter. It is a real howler out there and it makes no sense to be out in it yet. To utilize a quote from Shakespeare, "'tis not as wide as a church door nor as deep as a well, but 'twill suffice."Lucky was out for five minutes, came back covered with snow and is now ensconced in his easy chair in the library, in front of the fire (what a lucky dog).
We went to Duluth yesterday to do some Christmas shopping, spending most of our time at Barnes and Noble, where we bought a graphic adaptation (comic book?) by David Keller of Darwin’s Origin of Species. I hope twelve year old grandson Nick will be as pleased with it as I, as I am quite captivated by its ability to present a complex subject in an very interesting and understandable way.
I confess I don’t understand most religious objections to the theory of evolution, as there is more than enough room for God in Darwin’s or any other scientific exploration of life and the universe (the converse is probably true as well). Particularly, since there was little objection by religion to the somewhat earlier concept of “spontaneous generation” of life from pond scum and other such sources.
Which brings up the joke I remember from Sunday School about the little boy who, when introduced to the concept of “ashes to ashes, dust to dust,” replied, “Well, Reverend, I think there’s someone either comin’ or goin’ under my bed.”