Sunday, 8:45 AM. 36 degrees, wind WNW, light with stronger gusts. The channel is sparkling, the waters dancing silver in the sunlight. The barometer predicts sunny skies.
The feathery golden plant is asparagus, growing by the roadside on Old Military. It is an interesting, useful plant. Everyone recognizes the spear-like shoots of its edible spring growth, but perhaps not its other seasonal iterations. It also produces bright red berries, although I missed them on these plants this year. It is an old-world plant native to the steppes of Poland and Russia, long cultivated and sometimes escaped here. It is now gown all over the world and is no longer only a spring vegetable. It has significant culinary and medicinal properties as a diuretic in the treatment of kidney stones and dropsy.
Yesterday was saddened by the funeral mass of the Rev. Rex Fliess, Episcopal minister and community stalwart. It was also a celebration of his very worthwhile life, which dispelled much of the sorrow. He was a kind friend and mentor to many and will be greatly missed. He also possessed an unfailing good humor, that prevailed, I am told, right to the end. Bon voyage, friend!
Now it is out to the deer stand to make some improvements before the season gets any closer.