Wednesday, 8:30 AM. 34 degrees, wind SW, dead calm. The channel is glassy, the sky blue with some haze and high thin white clouds. The barometer predicts partly cloudy skies.
The weather and everything else presented a perfect opportunity to clean the fireplace chimney yesterday. I have my own rods and brushes and do it fall, January thaw and again in spring. I have had really good seasoned firewood of late so it wasn’t really very dirty, but I am quite particular about chimney cleaning ever since I had a chimney fire about thirty years ago in New York which, although it did no real damage, sounded like a freight train and looked like a giant blowtorch. I have considered putting a gas unit in the fireplace but we really like a wood fire most evenings and though it is not particularly efficient it heats the main living area of the house. A stove would be much more practical. We have no trouble with temperature inversions here so smoke is not an issue. Many folks heat entirely with wood hereabouts, from their own woodlots. This being a forested area there is plenty of wood to burn. I don’t know what it does to our “carbon foot print” but it is certainly a renewable resource. I suppose I could claim to have erased a few of our carbon footprints by cleaning the chimney.