Tuesday, 8:45 AM. 45 degrees, wind NW, calm. The channel is calm, the sky is overcast and it is raining, and the barometer predicts more.
It being time to start checking out deer activity, Lucky and I went to my stand yesterday to scout, and in the process flushed two grouse one of which I got a shot at but missed. We came across a shallow sandy depression in the woods, which was crisscrossed with deer tracks, as though they were holding a dance, with bear tracks thrown in for good measure. There were some good sized tracks, probably a big buck. I saw no signs of the rut starting; no rubs or scrapes. Anyway, hope springs eternal.
We went to the mouth of the Sioux this morning, made a few casts but no strikes. We surprised an adult and an immature eagle fishing so I think the Coho are starting to run up the river. Lucky is so stiff from yesterday that I will have to give him half an aspirin with his breakfast.