Friday, 8:00 AM. 66 degrees, wind S, calm to light. The channel and Island are again obscured by fog. The sky is mostly clear, and the barometer predicts the same.
Joe Pye weed, also known as queen of the meadow and gravel root, Eupatorium maclatum, in the Composite family, has been blooming for several weeks. There is a lot of it in roadside ditches and wet meadows. It is a tall, handsome plant and should be used more in the garden. It has a long tradition in both Native American and Western herbal medicine as a diuretic, in the treatment of kidney ailments, gout, rheumatism and respiratory complaints.
It is named after an American Indian healer, Joe Pye.
The hummingbirds will be leaving within a week. The pileated woodpeckers seem to be all over the neighborhood again this morning.
This is the eighth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 911. Remember the Alamo, Remember the Main, Remember Pearl Harbor, and Remember 911.