Tuesday, 8:00 AM. 59 degrees, wind S, calm. The channel is calm and there is a light fog over water and Island. The sky is cloudless, but the barometer predicts rain. It could not have been a nicer holiday weekend.
We cooked out at the Larsen’s yesterday evening: fire-roasted corn and chicken, fresh melon with wild raspberries, and an apple crisp baked in a Dutch oven over hot coals. A gourmet meal! Afterwards we drove down one of the Rez roads to watch the sun set over Sand Island and the harvest moon rise opposite it.
The only downside to the holiday was that J.D., the Larsen’s dog, had absconded earlier with a plastic bag full of rising bread dough, so we were deprived of Andy’s baked bread, and J.D. spent the evening quietly, with a rather doleful, pained look in his big brown eyes.