Friday, 8:00 AM. 59 degrees, wind SSW, calm. The channel is glassy, the sky partly cloudy and the barometer predicts rain.
Robert Frost wrote, “Something there is that does not like a wall…’ but I am quite fond of them. We just completed this one for the Johnson’s up on Catholic Hill in Bayfield. I enjoy building fieldstone and flagstone walls. No mortar, lines or levels, just an eye for materials and the lay of the land. The first rule to is to pick the right stones, second, dig a proper base and compact it (the wall should look anchored, not like it is floating) third, pick the best possible face of each stone, fourth, turn the stones so they lock together, fifth, look for variations in size, color and texture as you lay the stones. This turned out quite nicely, and will be planted with native trees and shrubs.