7:45 AM. 59 degrees, wind WNW, very light. The channel is dimpled, the sky is cloudless except for a few on the eastern horizon. The barometer again predicts rain but it doesn’t look likely.Yesterday afternoon I harvested lupine seed pods for the condominium project beach area, and came across this huge patch of dogbane, Apocynum andraesomifolium, in the family Apocynaceae. It exudes a white latex sap from broken stems or pulled leaves. The common name seems lost in antiquity. It has the same use in herbal medicine as digitalis, the important heart stimulant. It is violently poisonous if ingested and must not be used except by medical practitioners.
I have started to clean up the perennial garden (again) cutting back plants that are through blooming and pulling weeds. It is a daunting task but easier if one is decisive and brutal (a life lesson, there).