Monday,8:00 AM. 67 degrees, wind W calm. The channel is glassy. .1” of rain fell last night. The sky is partly cloudy with high, thin white clouds. It is a very quiet morning.
The patch of white cow parsnips on Eighth street has burst into bloom, rather pretty but it is best to leave all things in the Umbelliferae, the parsnip family, alone as many are poisonous and at least one causes acute dermatitis when handled.
The wild rose growing in the ditch on Mannypenny Ave. is the native Rosa blanda, very pretty and with a nice scent.
The roadsides are clothed in wildflowers. These growing on Hwy. 13 between Bayfield and Red Cliff, with orange hawkweed (Hieracium aurantiacum, introduced from Europe with settlement) fronting lupines could be the subject for a Renoir painting.
On Saturday I had a very pleasant surprise. Susan and Kevon from St. Paul stopped by to introduce themselves as avid readers of The Bayfield Almanac. I showed them around Garden View, and hope they were not disappointed, as it is probably not as special as I make it out to be, and certainly not very grand at all.