Monday, 8:30 AM. 54 degrees, wind S, calm. The channel is like glass, the sky blue and hazy. The barometer predicts partly cloudy weather. Standing in the shade of the woods on Ninth Street Lucky and I could both see our breath, but it will warm up nicely.
The highbush cranberry, with it’s unusual ray flowers, bears cranberry-like fruit but is actually a Viburnum. This old fashioned pink Wiegela has been blooming for some time but still looks very nice. It is only attractive in bloom, having no other distinguishing characteristics so is not much used anymore. When selecting trees and shrubs for the landscape it is advantageous to select for as many seasons of interest (flower, fruit, fall color, winter form) as possible. The perennial garden is overgrown and too shady but is beginning to bloom and be attractive in spite of its shortcomings.