Monday, 8:00 AM. 40 degrees, wind NE, light. The sky is overcast but the barometer predicts sunshine. We got .6 inch of much needed rain yesterday. The low that brought the rain has moved to the east, and its counterclockwise winds are bringing cold temperatures right off the lake again.
Colorado spruce (Picea pungens) are much planted because they are very adaptable and quite handsome. New needle growth is covered by a hard bud scale, and when it softens and begins to slough off the new growth is very easily damaged. Spruce trees should not be transplanted or pruned while the soft new growth is vulnerable to damage.
Another caveat: oak trees should not be pruned in the spring until leaf growth is mature. Oak wilt, a serious disease of oaks, spreads by spores in the spring and can easily infect trees through pruning wounds.