Tuesday, 8:00 AM. 39 degrees, wind changed from NE to W, moderate with gusts. The channel is crawling and the barometer predicts sunny skies. We had a considerable blow last night that sent the porch furniture skittering, along with raindrops that pounded upon the skylights. But we got only a trace of rain. It was sort of a Shakespearean storm, “full of sound and fury, yet signifying nothing.” The early evening was beautiful, with temperatures in the seventies, and the top went down on the convertible. It won’t be down today!
The pink blossomed plant is a Korean Rhododendron, I don't know the variety. It is in front of Citizens Bank on Broad Street, and seems resigned to the cold blasts off the lake. We picked up our hanging baskets from Bailey's yesterday, and I will pot them up into larger wire baskets today. They may sojourn in the garage for a few days if the weather doesn’t improve.