7:00 AM. 40 degrees, wind W, calm. The channel is like glass, the sky is blue and the barometer predicts mostly sunny skies. It looks like a repeat of yesterday, which turned out to be a nice day.
Yesterday being Mothers Day we mostly watched the ball game and waited for our kids to call Joan, which they all did. I fished the Sioux for a few hours early morning, but neighbor Zach has caught all the fish. But it was a fine outing, an eagle flew close over my head, and I had a nice hike high along the rocky ledges above the rapids, I came across what look like Indian rock pictures, but I doubt they are authentic. I have passed this rock a number of times and not noticed them before. Anyway they are interesting and I will let others be the judge of their authenticity.
The hummingbird feeders have to go up first thing this morning as this is the date they usually return.