Saturday, 7:00 AM. 34 degrees, wind NE, calm. The channel is calm and a light rain is falling from overcast skies. The barometer predicts sunshine.
The trip to Stevens Point was pretty uneventful except for the age-old question: “did you remember to pull the plug on the coffee pot?” I will not go into the dismal details ensuing from this seemingly innocent query. The hills are chartreuse now with young aspen leaves, and old fields and hedge rows are full of white-blossoming Juneberry trees (Amelanchier canadensis).
I actually welcome a few damp cold days, as it will help our daffodils last through next Friday’s Bayfield in Bloom kickoff with the Larry Miellor Garden Talk radio show. They look spectacular right now.
I have to leave now to pick Lucky up from blue Ribbon Kennels in Ashland, were he has been languishing (that’s his opinion) for two whole nights.