It is Palm Sunday, so it is off to church where we haven’t been for four weeks.
Yesterday’s Bayfield Regional Conservancy annual pancake breakfast fund raiser (blueberry pancakes, maple syrup, ham) was a great success, as evidenced by running out of flower and having to get more. Most of the food is donated and there are many willing hands to cook and serve. I am guessing about 200 were served, including 30 students and teachers on a bus trip from Carthage College near St. Paul. Bayfield Mayor Larry MacDonald brought them, as they were touring Bayfield as an example of an American small town for their rural geography class. There were many students who by appearances were not very familiar with rural and small town America, and there were some obviously foreign students among them who were probably totally surprised by what they have been seeing (or not seeing) on their trip. They ate a lot of pancakes so I am sure they left full of food if not geographical knowledge.
Crocus' are blooming around town in sunny spots, so spring is really sort of here. Yesterday, driving about the back roads along the Sioux River we saw quite a few deer so it looks as though the herd has over wintered O.K.