The blizzard (for that was what it really was ) ended early this morning, and it dumped about 16" of really wet, heavy snow on Denver by the time it was over. I shoveled the drives and walks (Doug shovels for the neighbor next door, an older woman with only one good arm,and since he is still out of town, I did so as well). Nick and Katie eventually got winter clothes on and made a pretty good snowman. The sun is so strong at this altitude and latitude that the snow is melting rapidly and will soon be gone from roads and walkways. Denver does little snow removal on side streets, which with any luck melt in a day or two. Although this day it is still only in the thirties, the sun is blindingly bright and I worked outside without coat, hat or gloves. The blooming trees were all encased in icy snow and it will be interesting to see which ones still have blossoms. Daughter Eva thought that I should read Laura Ingals Wilder's The Long Winter, and it is charmingly appropriate. This late storm reminds me of Dayton, Ohio, when almost every year we lived there the magnolias would begin to bloom and as if on cue freezing weather would arrive and the magnolia flowers would end up looking like brown paper bags hanging on the surprised trees. We will be heading home to a Wisconsin winter again tomorrow or the day after, and the Denver blizzard has gotten us used to the idea. But Denver or Bayfield, Winter is on its way out.
Friday, March 27, 2009
The blizzard (for that was what it really was ) ended early this morning, and it dumped about 16" of really wet, heavy snow on Denver by the time it was over. I shoveled the drives and walks (Doug shovels for the neighbor next door, an older woman with only one good arm,and since he is still out of town, I did so as well). Nick and Katie eventually got winter clothes on and made a pretty good snowman. The sun is so strong at this altitude and latitude that the snow is melting rapidly and will soon be gone from roads and walkways. Denver does little snow removal on side streets, which with any luck melt in a day or two. Although this day it is still only in the thirties, the sun is blindingly bright and I worked outside without coat, hat or gloves. The blooming trees were all encased in icy snow and it will be interesting to see which ones still have blossoms. Daughter Eva thought that I should read Laura Ingals Wilder's The Long Winter, and it is charmingly appropriate. This late storm reminds me of Dayton, Ohio, when almost every year we lived there the magnolias would begin to bloom and as if on cue freezing weather would arrive and the magnolia flowers would end up looking like brown paper bags hanging on the surprised trees. We will be heading home to a Wisconsin winter again tomorrow or the day after, and the Denver blizzard has gotten us used to the idea. But Denver or Bayfield, Winter is on its way out.