Friday, 8:00 AM. Wind W, calm. Sky overcast but the barometer predicts sun. It is snowing lightly, and has snowed enough to freshen up the unsightly snow banks. Our thaw is over.
Pictured is a conifer commonly planted as both an ornamental and a timber tree, Abies concolor, the white or concolor fir. It is native to the higher elevations of our western mountains, and does moderately well here, although I doubt it is a really good timber tree in our region. It has a good shape for the home landscape but will eventually become immense. It has a blue to greenish-blue color, and being a true fir the needles are soft and up-curved, and the cones are upright on the branches, rather than pendulous, as on other conifers.
The water on the lake ice has frozen again and is now like an ice rink. The ice road is in good shape again.