Joan and I attended a program last night at the library’s Cabin Fever series. It was inspiring and uplifting. Dwayne Szot, artist, comedian, humanitarian and entrepreneur is owner of Arts For All (see the web site located on 5th and Rittenhouse in Bayfield. Growing up in a foster home that had “children of all abilities,” Dwayne developed a special empathy with his handicapped siblings. He grew up a mechanical tinkerer, went to art school and eventually turned his many talents to providing severely handicapped children and adults the ability to express themselves artistically and emotionally by turning their wheel chairs into fantasmagorical arts machines. His devices, for wheel chairs and not, and their artistic and therapeutic effects have to be seen to be appreciated. Wheel chairs and power chairs become “Willie Wonka”devices that paint, draw with chalk, blow bubbles and spin ge-gaws, giving artistic and emotional expression and joy to even the most severely disabled among us. He and his wife travel the world bringing hope and joy to the handicapped, and they have just returned from their second business trip to Saudi Arabia. Bayfield is privileged indeed to have these folks and their wonderful business as a part of our community.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
1/22/09 ARTS FOR ALL
Joan and I attended a program last night at the library’s Cabin Fever series. It was inspiring and uplifting. Dwayne Szot, artist, comedian, humanitarian and entrepreneur is owner of Arts For All (see the web site located on 5th and Rittenhouse in Bayfield. Growing up in a foster home that had “children of all abilities,” Dwayne developed a special empathy with his handicapped siblings. He grew up a mechanical tinkerer, went to art school and eventually turned his many talents to providing severely handicapped children and adults the ability to express themselves artistically and emotionally by turning their wheel chairs into fantasmagorical arts machines. His devices, for wheel chairs and not, and their artistic and therapeutic effects have to be seen to be appreciated. Wheel chairs and power chairs become “Willie Wonka”devices that paint, draw with chalk, blow bubbles and spin ge-gaws, giving artistic and emotional expression and joy to even the most severely disabled among us. He and his wife travel the world bringing hope and joy to the handicapped, and they have just returned from their second business trip to Saudi Arabia. Bayfield is privileged indeed to have these folks and their wonderful business as a part of our community.