Saturday, 8:30 AM. 8 degrees, wind SW, calm. The sky is a clear, azure blue, and the barometer predicts partly cloudy skies.
The prevailing northerly and westerly winds have had little moisture, so the house has been like a desert. We finally bought a humidifier, and it has helped to make it much more comfortable.
The Bayfield Regional Conservancy’s move from its old offices upstairs from the Stone’s Throw went quickly and well yesterday, many hands making light work. The new digs will be much more accessible to everyone, being on the ground floor of the building that holds Captain’s Deli on First and Washington. Two large rooms on the ground floor instead of one small one up a treacherous flight of stairs. The BRC is a very active local land trust that has also been essential to several major conservation projects, including the Mount Ashwabay Recreation Area (all the size and potential of a major state park) and the Bayfield farmland preservation project, which has put a number of apple orchards and berry farms along Hwy J west of town into a permanent farmland trust. For complete information and an opportunity to provide support and become a member, visit the web site at or drop in at the new office.