Monday, 8:00 AM. 25 degrees, wind ENE, light with gusts. It is snowing and blowing and the barometer predicts snow. It looks like it may get nasty.
Yesterday was sunny and nice, and we took a ride in the afternoon. Went out Star Route and stopped at the new Jolly Trail parking lot, northern extension of the Ski Hill trails, there were six cars, it has become a popular trail head. We continued west past the Settlement to Happy Hollow Road and drove north to Hwy 13 to go back to town. On the way we met three turkeys in the road, the first turkeys I have seen north of Hwy 2. We were very pleased to see these All American birds so close to town.
Am through reading Byrd’s Little America journal of the 1928-29 Antarctic expedition, and am well into Edwin Morris’ Theodore Rex, biography of Teddy Roosevelt, which promises to be an exciting read.
The chimney will have to wait.