Wednesday, 7:30 AM. 22 degrees, wind W, calm. The skies are clear, it is a fine morning.
I went into the woods for an hour before dark yesterday, still nothing moving, but the sunset was awesome, and not to be missed. No camera and probably no artist could capture the immense sunset, all pink and orange, from the SW horizon to the NE.
Few deer are being taken, or seen in our area, from what I can gather. Friends and neighbors who usually get a deer are coming up empty. I have seen only one deer hanging in town although there must be others. Minnesota’s season, now over, was down 20 percent. There certainly have been deer around, they just seem to have disappeared. I am going to change my tactics and go out mid-morning, then come home and continue cleaning the house.What there are a lot of is downy and hair woodpeckers, this male downy so concentrated on sunflower seeds I got within three feet of him.