Friday, 8:45 AM. 37 degrees, wind SW, calm. The channel is calm. The sky is overcast and there is a slight drizzle, and a trace of it in the rain gage. The barometer predicts precipitation , in which case it may be be snow if it gets colder.
The playground pictured is on 7th and Manypenny, replacing an old-fashioned one with teeter-totter and pipe frame swings, which was uprooted as part of a recent sewer project. The new one is nice, and includes a large sand box, climbing equipment, handicapped swings, etc., but is in my opinion rather overdone, and even has a stage and theater seating. I can’t help being nostalgic for simpler times, but my grandchildren will love it, as they do the playground at the waterfront. Sure wish Bayfield had more children.
Last night’s fresh trout dinner was delicious. Today the chimney will indeed get cleaned.