The deer hunt yesterday was uneventful until I was walking up the trail, just at closing. Then, as is always the case, the totally unexpected occurred. A large deer stepped cautiously onto the trail. It was about 150 yards away but silhouetted perfectly against the horizon. I looked closely and saw ho horns (this is an antlerless hunt) I pushed the safety off and was amazed that the deer heard the faint “click” at that distance, as it looked directly at me and wiggled its ears. Still no horns. I raised the gun and took careful aim.
Now, what is wrong with this scenario? Did you guess? Directly behind the deer, about 25 yards was a large blue object. My truck! If I missed the deer I would take out the radiator or the windshield, either very hard to explain to my insurance agent. In that moment’s hesitation the deer turned and bounded back into the dark woods, waving its white tail. So, in what may be yet another futile attempt to prove man’s superiority over the beasts, I shall go back this afternoon, and sit at the top of the trail looking down it and hope for a repeat performance, this time hopefully with the right ending and some meat in the freezer.
The trees pictured are a wonderful hybrid between red and silver maple, there are several different ones available in the nursery trade. I believe these are ‘Royal Sunset’ or something like that (such hybrids also occur sometimes in nature). Anyway they grow fast, have obviously terrific color, and at this point seem to have strong branches.
The other photo is of my little wild area. I am very happy that I have not eliminated the sumac, just keep it under control by cutting it back every other year.