Morgan and Eric have not been around for three weeks, Eric and Nancy being on a trip to France, and Lucky has been looking for them.
I have planted half the mums and must finish that task after I get back from Ashland this morning. I will stop at the IGA in Washburn and see if they have large bags of sunflower seeds in yet, which have not been evident anywhere and I need to get the feeders up. The Wild Bird store in Washburn closed suddenly a few weeks ago, and we sorely miss it. It was a good source for bird stuff and information, and the owners very knowledgeable. Small businesses have a tough time making it here, but they were open for several years, and I thought they were well established. I hope perhaps they lost there lease, and will open in another location but the longer out of business the harder it is to reestablish it. Anyway we miss them and wish them well.